
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

What Lies at the Foundation of Cyber Security of Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Facebook, the Tech Giants of the World?


Today, I wanted to take a moment to share a simple fact that concerns the foundational security of the world's tech giants.

At the foundation of cyber security of Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Facebook lies a single technology - Active Directory.

Each one of these technology behemoths operates on Active Directory, and today, collectively hundreds of millions of Active Directory security permissions specified in the access control lists (ACLs) of millions of Active Directory objects in their foundational Active Directory domains collectively serve to secure and protect these organizations.

To give you some perspective, the collectively net worth of these four companies alone exceeds a Trillion dollars.

Today, literally the entire world operates on Active Directory, and today in the foundational Active Directory deployments of these organizations lie billions of Active Directory security permissions that today collectively determine exactly who has the Keys to the Kingdom in these organizations; in other words they control the foundational security of the entire world.

That's all for today.

Best wishes,

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